This workshop provides an overview of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and the regulatory backdrop that impacts public water systems. The regulatory history is lengthy and covers many aspects to providing quality drinking water. This course will cover regulatory history, current and recent changes to drinking water regulations. This training is also for potential water operators, managers, and board members.
This workshop provides an overview of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and the regulatory backdrop that impacts public water systems. The regulatory history is lengthy and covers many aspects to providing quality drinking water. This course will cover regulatory history, current and recent changes to drinking water regulations. This training is also for potential water operators, managers, and board members.
This workshop provides an overview of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and the regulatory backdrop that impacts public water systems. The regulatory history is lengthy and covers many aspects to providing quality drinking water. This course will cover regulatory history, current and recent changes to drinking water regulations. This training is also for potential water operators, managers, and board members.
This session begins with a review of basic concepts, followed by practical exercises to apply them to simple problems. Math is essential in drinking water and wastewater operations and can be challenging, but this course will help build confidence and skills. There will be a pre-test, quizzes, and a post-test. Be prepared for plenty of practice – bring paper, pencil, and a calculator.
This session begins with a review of basic concepts, followed by practical exercises to apply them to simple problems. Math is essential in drinking water and wastewater operations and can be challenging, but this course will help build confidence and skills. There will be a pre-test, quizzes, and a post-test. Be prepared for plenty of practice – bring paper, pencil, and a calculator.
This session begins with a review of basic concepts, followed by practical exercises to apply them to simple problems. Math is essential in drinking water and wastewater operations and can be challenging, but this course will help build confidence and skills. There will be a pre-test, quizzes, and a post-test. Be prepared for plenty of practice – bring paper, pencil, and a calculator.
Press Release: New Legislation Aims to Protect Drinking Water, Provide Financial Assistance for Private Well Testing Statewide
As MassDEP Studies Potential Program, Coalition for Safe Drinking Water Urges Bill Passage
Media Contact: Greg Turner, Ball Consulting Group, LLC, Phone: 617-243-9950; Email:

WORCESTER, Mass. (Jan. 16, 2025) – Legislation filed this week would enable Massachusetts to develop minimum statewide water quality standards for private wells and expand a financial assistance program to remediate wells affected by PFAS (“forever chemicals”) and other harmful contaminants in drinking water supplies.
The filing of the bill (SD.847) by Sen. Jamie Eldridge (D-Marlborough) and Rep. Natalie Blais (D-Sunderland) was applauded by the Coalition for Safe Drinking Water, a grassroots group led by RCAP Solutions and supported by The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts that is focused on equitable access to clean and safe drinking water.
More than half a million Massachusetts residents – located heavily in rural areas but also in all 351 cities and towns – rely on private wells for their drinking water. Yet many are consuming water that may be unsafe because the source is not regularly tested and treated like public water supplies and could have harmful contaminants such as PFAS, arsenic, radon, uranium and more. A 2023 poll revealed that 92% of residents believe that state government should play a role in ensuring safe drinking water for all.
“As the Legislature continues to address PFAS contamination in communities across the state this session, it’s crucial that the hundreds of thousands of households relying on private well water have access to clean and safe drinking water,” said Sen. Eldridge. “That’s why I’m proud to once again file legislation to empower the DEP to regulate private wells and establish a program to help homeowners test their wells for dangerous contaminants.”
The initiative gained momentum last year in the state budget process, with $100,000 appropriated to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) to conduct a study and make recommendations for a statewide program to ensure that drinking water from private wells is safe to consume. The MassDEP study is currently in progress.
The newly filed legislation would grant the MassDEP clear authority to establish standards and define testing requirements for new and existing wells to ensure effective implementation. Upon the sale of a home, a private well used for drinking water would have to pass a test for the transaction to be completed (similar to the state’s Title 5 septic system regulations). The state would make resources available to assist eligible homeowners with the cost of well water upgrades.
“We applaud Senator Eldridge, Representative Blais, Representative Kilcoyne and Representative Sena for their leadership on this important issue. Too many homeowners are not aware of what’s in their well water or how the presence of PFAS and other contaminants could harm their family’s health,” said Brian Scales, President & CEO of RCAP Solutions, a nonprofit community development corporation based in Worcester.
“Massachusetts residents who live in municipalities with public water systems have access to water that is tested and treated to meet state and federal standards, but those protections do not extend to those who rely on well water,” said Amie Shei, Ph.D., President & CEO of The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts. “Wells require regular testing and maintenance, just as public water systems do, but not everyone is aware of the need or can afford these services – creating a regional equity issue that can be addressed through this legislation.”
RCAP Solutions’ Private Well Program to Protect Public Health, funded by The Health Foundation, conducted over 500 water quality tests of private wells across several Massachusetts communities from 2020 to 2022, finding that about a third of the wells contained levels of contaminants higher than state health standards or suggesting potential health risks.
For more information about the legislation and the Coalition for Safe Drinking Water, please visit
RCAP Solutions Spreads Holiday Cheer Throughout the Community! (2024)

This season, RCAP Solutions staff participated in an “Adopt a Child for the Holidays” program. Our team donated, wrapped, and delivered gifts for families with children living at Cottage Street Apartments & Hapgood Apartments – our affordable family housing properties located in Athol, Massachusetts!
In addition, gifts, food, and non-perishables were donated to families with children who are enrolled in the YWCA Central Massachusetts‘ housing, shelter, and domestic violence programs.
We hope all of these items will make the holidays brighter for those in need! 🎁 🎄 💜 We extend our gratitude to our staff for their generosity and dedication during this festive season. Their commitment exemplifies the spirit of giving that is essential during this time of year.
- Your donation is tax-deductible. RCAP Solutions is exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
- 55 years of experience building strong communities. Established in 1969 (as Rural Housing Improvement), RCAP Solutions has supported the power and potential of communities for over half a century as strategists of community-wide well-being.
- Local, statewide, and national resources. RCAP Solutions is a member of two key networks: the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP), based in Washington, DC, and the Regional Housing Network of Massachusetts (RHN). RCAP Solutions supports underserved communities both locally and throughout the Northeast United States and Caribbean Islands.
- Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency. RCAP Solutions has earned this designation by sharing our impact, strategies, and financials. We aim to be transparent about our efforts to support the power and potential of communities. More info here:
- A track record of success. RCAP Solutions provides various housing services for families and individuals in Worcester County. Watch here:
- Financially stable and fiscally conservative. A recent audit noted that 95 cents of every dollar is spent on our programs. Your donation will make a difference in uplifting underserved communities and the people who reside in them.
- Flexibility. Since the advent of COVID-19, RCAP Solutions successfully pivoted almost every aspect of its daily operations to overcome the challenges of the pandemic. We saw a massive increase in the need for our services and worked to ensure that the most vulnerable populations were and continue to be provided with the resources, services, and tools needed for long-term health and well-being.
- Partnerships. RCAP Solutions has long-standing relationships with legislators, social service agencies, and complementary organizations throughout the Commonwealth, the Northeast, and the Caribbean, providing supportive and self-sustaining services to lift the region’s most vulnerable.
- The state of the current housing market. While unaffordable housing and availability are serious issues across the country, Worcester County was named the third-worst rental market in the U.S. Our resolute staff is tackling this critical challenge to ensure that no one loses their home in this tough environment.
- Investing in the future. In implementing our newly completed strategic plan, we’re forging private partnerships and increasing unrestricted funding to support growth initiatives. By leveraging federal dollars with non-federal matching funds, we create economic development opportunities for our communities.
Together, we can solve pressing housing issues and deliver a brighter future.
Join us in making a difference. Your support provides housing stability, uplifts vulnerable communities, and creates thriving neighborhoods. Let’s transform the Worcester County housing market together and build a stronger, more resilient community.
Visit today.
Math is an integral part of drinking water and wastewater operations and is often one of the hardest topics to master. This course will review basic math concepts, tactics for solving problems, and provide practice applying the concepts to solve examples.
Press Release: State Invests in MassDEP Study to Ensure Safe Drinking Water from Private Wells
FY2025 State Budget Includes $100,000 for MassDEP, an Important Step Towards a Statewide Private Wells Program
Contact for RCAP Solutions: Maegen McCaffrey, RCAP Solutions, Inc., Phone: 978-630-6714; Email:
Contact for The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts: Greg Turner, Ball Consulting Group, LLC, Phone: 617-243-9950; Email:

With the FY2025 state budget, which was signed by Gov. Maura Healey on July 29, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) will finally have dedicated funding to explore how best to ensure safe drinking water from private wells. The agency will receive $100,000 to conduct a study and make recommendations for a statewide program to ensure that drinking water from private wells is safe to consume. This study represents an important step forward in developing a statewide drinking water program for private wells to ensure that all Massachusetts residents have access to safe water.
Currently, many Massachusetts residents who rely on private wells are consuming water that may be unsafe. Over 500,000 people throughout the Commonwealth rely on these wells, yet there are no statewide regulations to ensure private well water is safe from harmful contaminants such as PFAS, arsenic, radon, uranium, and more. In contrast, public water systems are subject to state and federal regulations and are routinely monitored. As written in the budget, MassDEP will submit a report detailing its findings to the Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources as well as the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means by Jan. 1, 2025.
The funding was made available through a budget amendment filed by Sen. Jamie Eldridge of the Middlesex and Worcester District. In the House, Rep. Meghan Kilcoyne (12th Worcester District), Rep. Smitty Pignatelli (3rd Berkshire District), and Rep. Dan Sena (37th Middlesex District) have been leading champions of safe drinking water for residents relying on private wells.
“I am grateful to RCAP Solutions and The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts for leading the effort over the past two years to protect the drinking water of hundreds of thousands of residents across Massachusetts who live in rural communities,” said Sen. Eldridge. “I was pleased to secure funding in the fiscal year 2025 budget for MassDEP to study state regulation of private wells, which is a key step toward passing the comprehensive legislation.”
“Safe drinking water is something many of us take for granted, yet the reality is that nearly half a million Massachusetts residents rely on unregulated drinking water from private wells that could be contaminated and potentially cause negative health impacts,” said Amie Shei, PhD, President & CEO of The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts. “This funding is an important investment toward ensuring that all Massachusetts residents have access to safe drinking water, regardless of where they live.”
“Ensuring the safety and health of our homeowners throughout the Commonwealth is vital,” added Brian D. Scales, President & CEO of RCAP Solutions. “This state-funded initiative to study private wells is a crucial step toward establishing comprehensive statewide regulations for drinking water. Clean, safe water should be a fundamental right for every homeowner.”
RCAP Solutions and The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts are working together to improve access to safe drinking water for private well owners. From 2020 to 2022, the Private Well Program to Protect Public Health, which has received nearly $1.5 million in grant funding from The Health Foundation, has conducted over 500 water quality tests across several Massachusetts towns and found that approximately 32% of wells had levels of contaminants exceeding state health standards and/or suggesting potential health risks.
The Coalition for Safe Drinking Water was subsequently launched to engage a wide range of stakeholders in working together to ensure safe drinking water for all Massachusetts residents. The Coalition’s efforts have been instrumental in raising awareness and garnering support for this critical initiative, which has the potential to significantly improve the health and well-being of communities across the Commonwealth.
For more information about this legislation, our private well programming, and the Coalition for Safe Drinking Water, please visit:
About RCAP Solutions: RCAP Solutions is an integrated community development corporation working with a multi-faceted suite of services in communities throughout the northeastern part of the U.S. and the Caribbean. Established in 1969 (as Rural Housing Improvement), RCAP Solutions has supported the power and potential of communities for over half a century as strategists of community-wide well-being. Our mission is to foster personal and public self-reliance and improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and the communities in which they live. For more information, visit:
About The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts: The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts is dedicated to improving the health of those who live or work in Central Massachusetts, with particular emphasis on vulnerable populations and unmet needs. Through its unique and impactful approach to grantmaking, The Health Foundation supports community-identified health issues, with health defined broadly to include social determinants of health and with a focus on promoting health equity. As a health conversion foundation launched in 1999 following the sale of the not-for-profit HMO Central Massachusetts Health Care Inc., The Health Foundation’s grants have totaled over $57 million to more than 230 unique organizations over its history. For more information, visit:
RCAP Solutions Partnering with USDA Rural Development to Help Very-Low-Income, Rural Homeowners with Funding to Repair, Improve, and Modernize Their Houses

RCAP Solutions and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development (Southern New England Region) are proud to announce a partnership between our two agencies in helping very-low-income, rural homeowners with funding to repair, improve, and modernize their houses.
The USDA’s Section 504 Home Repair Program provides funding in the form of a 1% fixed-interest loan up to $40,000 to complete single-family home repairs or to remove health and safety hazards. In addition, applicants 62 years of age or older are eligible for a $10,000 grant. The loan and grant may be combined for up to $50,000 in assistance. In order to quality for assistance, the family must be very-low-income and live in an eligible rural area. You can visit the USDA Income and Property Eligibility website for complete details.
RCAP Solutions will be acting as a “loan packager” on behalf of USDA Rural Development and eligible homeowners; performing credit checks for applicants, providing guidance on bids and repairs that need to be made, and ensuring all documents listed in the application checklist are submitted.
USDA Rural Development’s Single Family Home Repair Loans and Grants are a perfect complement to RCAP Solutions’ Home Modification Loan Program (HMLP), which provides funding to homeowners to make accessibility changes to keep themselves or a family member with a disability or mobility impairment living comfortably in their own home. Loans are 0% interest and can range from $1,000 to $50,000.
RCAP Solutions has been administering HMLP since 2000 in collaboration with the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) and the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC). The program has generous income guidelines and allows for accessibility renovations based on the household member’s medical need. HMLP can benefit anyone in the house who has a disability or mobility impairment; the homeowner themself, their child, or an elderly family member. Possible home modifications can include ramps, stair lifts, walk-in bathtubs, and much more.
RCAP Solutions has a long-standing relationship with numerous federal and state branches of the USDA. The department is one of RCAP Solutions primary partners and funders directly involved in the implementation of our Community & Environmental Resources programs.
RCAP Solutions Hosts “Seminar for Advancing Renter Knowledge” Event Aimed at Helping Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Participants to Become Rent Ready!

In June 2024, RCAP Solutions hosted an educational event geared towards empowering Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Participants to stand out in their search for rental opportunities!
We sincerely appreciate everyone who participated in this interactive seminar – both in-person and virtually!
We were honored to be joined by guest speakers including; a trusted landlord from Kensington Management LLC, legal service representatives from Community Legal Aid who covered Fair Housing Laws, and an RCAP Solutions Housing Quality Standards Inspector. In addition, we sincerely thank our friends from the MassHire Central Career Center and sponsors/representatives from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing & Livable Communities (EOHLC) who were in attendance!
For more information about our Workforce Development services, visit:
Watch the recording below:
(Pre-registration is encouraged, but not required. Feel free to walk-in!)
This April, we will be hosting a Career Fair at our Worcester headquarters office. There will be an opportunity to meet with our Human Resources department and program managers, ask questions, and learn more about the benefits of a career with RCAP Solutions.
This event is being hosted by RCAP Solutions in partnership with the MassHire Central Career Center and the MassHire North Central Career Center. On-site interviews will be conducted, so please bring your resume! Please park in the upper lot and feel free to arrive at anytime between 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
We’re looking to recruit talented individuals throughout Central Massachusetts and the greater Northeast. Entry-level and more advanced opportunities include:
- Housing Counselors
- Housing Consumer Education Center (HCEC) Triage Associates
- Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) Program Specialists
- Section 8 Program Representatives
- Section 8 Program Assistants
- Maintenance Technicians
- Property Managers
- Rural Community & Enironmental Specialists
- Payroll Coordinator
- And more!
For a full list of available positions, visit:
If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact our Human Resources Department via email:
RCAP Solutions Hosts “Lunch with Legislators” Event with Central Massachusetts Delegation + Briefing with USDA Rural Development

On March 8, 2024, we were delighted to have “Lunch with Legislators” at our headquarters office! During this interactive briefing with the Central Massachusetts delegation, we detailed the positive impact of our housing, community, and environmental programs.
We were honored to be joined by so many legislators, legislative staff, and local government officials to engage in a conversation about the issues facing families throughout Central Massachusetts and talk about how RCAP Solutions helps.
The event was graciously sponsored by the office of Representative David LeBoeuf and featured special guests Scott Soares, State Director (MA/CT/RI) at USDA Rural Development, as well as LaToya, a hardworking participant enrolled in both our Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) and Supporting Neighborhood Opportunity in Massachusetts (SNO Mass) programs!

On March 6, 2024, we were thrilled to be joined by USDA Rural Development (Southern New England Region) for a working lunch and meeting at our Worcester headquarters office!
We discussed our housing programs available to individuals and families in Central Massachusetts and learned more about the USDA’s housing, lending, and grant programs – with the goal of intertwining these services and increasing awareness of these opportunities throughout the communities we serve.
Special thank you to our incredible program staff, as well as USDA Holden, MA Area Office Director, Lyndon Nichols, and USDA Rural Housing Service staff members Jacob Sargent, Crystal Howe, and Jim Lavin for joining us!
Management and finance are important for small systems to operate correctly. This course will be going over key areas of management, boards and stakeholder roles, asset management, inventories, budgets and the importance of reserves and rate setting. This training is also for potential water operations, managers, and board members.
Math is an integral part of drinking water and wastewater operations and is often one of the hardest topics to master. This course will review basic math concepts, tactics for solving problems, and provide practice applying the concepts to solve examples.
Math is an integral part of drinking water and wastewater operations and is often one of the hardest topics to master. This course will review basic math concepts, tactics for solving problems, and provide practice applying the concepts to solve examples.
Math is an integral part of drinking water and wastewater operations and is often one of the hardest topics to master. This course will review basic math concepts, tactics for solving problems, and provide practice applying the concepts to solve examples.
‘Twas Mid December at RCAP Solutions…
‘Twas Mid-December and all through the skies,
RCAP teams with care and wise.
In every office, staff worked with glee,
Offering essential aid, as busy as can be.
The needy many, deserving of cheer,
In this season of giving, their hopes draw near.
For when the demand rises, so great and so clear,
RCAP’s dedication shines, year after year.
In our Housing Consumer Education Center,
We make sure every client has a supportive mentor,
To assist in all aspects of home ownership and leasing,
In case you should see a problem increasing,
If a concern should arise, there’s lending or training,
Should you find your bank account suddenly draining.
With Subsidized Housing, we help pay the rent,
Offering programs for both landlord and tenant.
Everyone deserves a safe home and a bed,
Where each family member can rest their head.
We can also assist with housing mobility,
And case management for economic stability.
Our Housing for Seniors and the Mobility Impaired,
Offers features and services that can’t be compared.
Our professional staff is supportive and giving,
With countless services for independent living.
For those who reside in RCAP’s great care,
Our teams will provide for ALL who live there.
Our Environmental Crew work with communities to ensure,
The water that pours from the tap is pure.
From Maine to Pennsylvania, we offer technical assistance,
For those in rural regions, we’ll travel the distance.
Whether it’s wastewater, mapping, training, and more,
We’ll assess your infrastructure, and help settle the score.
The Caribbean Team helps the islands with pollution,
Teaching about recycling, and solid waste solutions.
We offer disaster planning, and prepare for the future,
Should climate change impact your region and need suture.
Financial assistance for septic or well repair,
We’re here for our communities, never despair!
Here in Massachusetts, we’re Advocating for Change,
For private well homeowners, who may need a range,
Of regulations for education, testing, and support,
Should their water tests come up short,
And need repair to keep families in good health,
For every resident, across the Commonwealth.
Our Administrative Staff provides support to our programs,
IT keeps us online, and safely protected from scams.
Finance cuts checks and keeps the books in balance,
HR supports the organization, hiring people with talents.
Marketing ensures the public is in the know,
And Development guarantees that funding won’t slow.
In the Northeast our influence spreads, far and wide in stride,
In Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, forever shall we reside.
Fostering community’s power, potential, a bond we unify,
In this commitment, our focus and unity lie.
Nurturing strength, resilience, and confidence, our gift to bestow,
Supporting individuals, families, communities, helping them grow.
Amid Concerns Over Contaminants and Pending Legislation, The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts Sponsors Survey by MassINC Polling Group
Media Contact: Greg Turner, Ball Consulting Group, LLC, Phone: 617-243-9950; Email:

A new public opinion survey released today by the MassINC Polling Group finds broad support among Massachusetts residents for strengthening drinking water protections for private wells to ensure safety and quality. The survey was sponsored by The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts as part of its Private Well Program to Protect Public Health led by grantee RCAP Solutions.
More than 500,000 Massachusetts residents rely on private wells for their drinking water, yet, unlike with public water systems, these sources are not subject to any statewide regulations or testing requirements. With manmade and naturally occurring contaminants found in private well water across the state, this gap and higher risk of exposure has prompted growing concern and calls for legislative action.
According to the poll, 73% of Massachusetts residents think well water should be protected in the same way as other sources of drinking water. Nearly all of those polled agree that all Massachusetts residents should have access to safe drinking water (97%) and that state government should play a role in achieving that goal (92%). There was a clear majority supporting these statements, regardless of demographics or party affiliation.
The poll also found a worrisome gap in well water testing rates. Only 21% of well users had tested their water in the past year and another 21% were not sure when their water was last tested. Just over half (53%) of well users reported they had not paid anything for well testing or maintenance in the past year.
Other key findings from the survey:
- Three-quarters (75%) support proposed legislation to enable the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to develop statewide private well protections.
- There was even stronger support (80%) when it was explained that the proposed legislation includes financial support for remediation of contamination for low-income homeowners with private wells.
- A clear majority (57%) “strongly support” testing well water before a home is sold, and 72% of private well owners support such a policy to some extent (“strongly support” or “somewhat support”).
“The results of this poll demonstrate widespread support for improving access to safe drinking water and for developing greater protections and uniform testing standards for private well owners throughout the Commonwealth,” said Amie Shei, President and CEO of The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts. “All Massachusetts residents should have access to safe drinking water regardless of where they live and whether they have access to public water systems or private wells.”
Many homeowners in Massachusetts are facing substantial costs over contamination found in their private wells, including water sources exposed to PFAS, synthetic substances known as “forever chemicals” because of their persistence and prevalence in the environment.
The poll results were unveiled today during a legislative briefing at the State House organized by The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts, RCAP Solutions, and the Coalition for Safe Drinking Water which was launched as part of this project. The event highlighted pending legislation, An Act Promoting Drinking Water Quality for All (S.482/H.902), sponsored by Sen. Jamie Eldridge (D-Marlborough), Rep. Dan Sena (D-Acton) and Rep. Smitty Pignatelli (D-Lenox). The bill is scheduled for a public hearing before the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources on Sept. 27.
The survey took a deep dive into general perceptions of public and well water quality. Majorities at least somewhat agree that they worry about whether their water is safe to drink (61%) and that not everyone in Massachusetts has safe tap water (63%).
In an urban-rural breakdown of the data, those living in western Massachusetts – where private wells are more common – and in Suffolk County – home to the city of Boston and served by a public water supply – rated their water quality at home as “excellent” at higher rates than those living in other parts of the state. But those living in Massachusetts’ Gateway Cities – midsize urban areas served by public water and historically affected by socioeconomic challenges – reported their home tap water quality levels are lower than elsewhere.
The results are based on a survey of 1,013 Massachusetts residents by the MassINC Polling Group. Responses were collected via online survey Aug. 7-16, 2023, in English and Spanish. Data was weighted to known and estimated population parameters on age, gender, race, party identification, education and geography. The credibility interval for the survey is +/- 3.4 percentage points, including the design effect.
Detailed poll data is available online at the following link:
Open for Business Program Case Study: Neck-O Pillow, Supportive Guidance to Launch a Supportive Product
Written By: Madison Wellman, Coalition Manager/Business Opportunity Specialist

BACKGROUND: Ms. Ellen Sheehan is a dental hygienist from Wilmington, Massachusetts. While working in the dental office she noticed a need for a new product; an ergonomic pillow to support the necks of her patients on and off the dental chair. After much hard work, Ms. Sheehan developed a prototype pillow in her spare time that she felt was ready for full production. She approached Workers Credit Union for financing to launch her new enterprise, Neck-O Pillow. Workers Credit Union could see the value in Ms. Sheehan’s business, but in order to secure the loan she needed an appropriate business plan and projections, neither of which Ms. Sheehan was prepared to produce on her own.
THE CHALLENGE: Entrepreneurial success requires, among other things, a broad skillset including accounting, marketing, planning, and managerial skills. The easiest way to develop these skills is through experience and formal business education. However, these avenues are not equally accessible to all aspiring entrepreneurs. This disparity has produced a shared sense of underdeveloped entrepreneurial capacity in communities across the country, both urban and rural. Lack of educational opportunities, poor connectivity infrastructure, and a general absence of human capital capable of providing mentorship and expertise in our communities all contribute to the high business failure rate in our nation’s villages, small towns, and even larger cities. RCAP is striving to surmount these obstacles by delivering the absent human capital to communities across the country in a cost-effective manner. In meeting this challenge, RCAP is building permanent entrepreneurial capacity among every-day Americans.
THE APPROACH & SOLUTION: To rise to the challenge detailed above, RCAP launched the Open for Business Program. The program delivers business expertise to rural communities through webinars, online workshops, and one-on-one business consultations made available to entrepreneurs at no cost. All services are delivered remotely to reduce cost and maximize geographic reach.
Ellen Sheehan utilized this program to receive free guidance from RCAP’s experienced consultants. The RCAP consulting team worked with Ms. Sheehan to develop her business plan and financial projections to model her path to success. At the time of this writing, Ms. Sheehan received 159.5 hours of free one-on-one consulting assistance.
THE IMPACT: The most tangible impact of the assistance received by Ms. Sheehan is the business plan and projections that she was able to produce with the guidance of our senior consultants. These documents enabled Ms. Sheehan to return to Workers Credit Union and successfully apply for SBA small business financing. With her secured capital, Ms. Sheehan was able to contract with a Massachusetts-based contract manufacturer to begin production of her pillows. The senior consulting team was also able to advise Ms. Sheehan on her digital marketing strategy and guide her in the complicated process of becoming a successful seller on Amazon. Today, she is steadily making sales and receiving substantial traffic on her website.
Despite these material benefits to Ms. Sheehan and her business, the greatest impact may be more intangible. The projections Ms. Sheehan produced with the assistance of our team did convince the lender that Ms. Sheehan’s business had great potential for growth but more importantly, it convinced Ms. Sheehan that her business idea was feasible and has the potential to grow into a successful enterprise.
In a follow-up interview conducted for the purposes of this case study, Ms. Sheehan shared that over one year since she first engaged with RCAP she still looks back at the original projections she made with our team for inspiration. “Seeing that growth potential on paper still keeps me going,” Ms. Sheehan reported. Ms. Sheehan went on to share that the knowledge our consultants brought to her was invaluable and that their flexible availability and positive demeanor reassured her that she, and Neck-O Pillow, could succeed. If not for RCAP’s Open for Business Program, it is likely that Ms. Sheehan never would have launched Neck-O Pillow. In her own words, “getting your contact info was the best thing that could have happened to me…I don’t think I could have done this without you guys.”