Established in 1969, RCAP Solutions has been empowering communities of all sizes with a wide range of technical and supportive services for over 50 years. Our mission is to foster personal and public self-reliance and improve the quality of life for individuals, families and the communities in which they live.
We manage 11 affordable apartment complexes for seniors, families, the mobility impaired, and individuals with disabilities. We have 386 private units in Athol, Bolton, Boylston, Groton, Hubbardston, Northbridge, Townsend, Webster, and Worcester.
Property Board Member Volunteer Information
Each member of the Board of Directors must fulfill his/her fiduciary duties to the organization and the public they serve. To fix and elect the number of Directors, elect Officers, hear annual reports on the business of the corporation, and conduct any other business properly placed before them.
- Fix and elect number of Directors (annually)
- Elect Officers (annually)
- Approve prior year’s meeting minutes (annually)
- Receive and accept President’s, Treasurer’s, and Management
- Agent’s Reports (annually)
- Receive and consent actions without a meeting (when required throughout the year)
Each new Board Member serves a one-year orientation term. After this, each member shall hold office until his successor is duly elected annually or until he/she sooner dies, resigns, is removed or becomes disqualified.
- The Board of Directors meets annually on date/time stated in the bylaws. Meetings typically last 30-60 minutes.
- Meetings may be in person or virtual.
- Board Members are asked to commit to attending the annual meeting.
- Attend and participate in annual meetings and special events as able.
- Be accessible via email for occasional discussion, input, and votes.
- Be alert to community concerns that can be addressed by the mission, objectives, and programs.
- Help communicate and promote the mission and programs to the community.
Have questions? Want to volunteer?
If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Deb Foley via email: dfoley@rcapsolutions.org or phone: (978) 630-6712