💧 In-Person Training: Decentralized System Operation and Maintenance (NH)


The goal of this training course is workforce development related to system management including the operation, maintenance, monitoring, and troubleshooting of decentralized systems. The course describes fundamental concepts of wastewater characteristics and treatment processes and illustrates the importance of periodic operation and maintenance to ensure longevity and optimal performance. The content establishes uniform standards of practice that service providers can employ to assess and report upon the status of system source, collection, treatment and dispersal components as part of system management. The content also includes troubleshooting tools and critical safety protocols for operation and maintenance activities.

This is a two-part workshop. Attendance at both sessions is required.


This workshop has been designed to assist water utilities to assess your wastewater utility performance by developing SMART safety goals, enhance staff participation and training, identifying hazards, reviewing your safety protocols and evaluation activities.

Bring your laptops for firsthand assistance or use RCAP’s training laptops provided as part of the training. Workshop funding is provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and has been approved by NHDES for 5 TCHs for wastewater system operators.


Maintenance and upkeep of water distribution systems is particularly challenging for small water utilities with volunteer staff and recurring repairs needed for aged, undersized piping that is common in many of our small systems. This training will build on the recently completed Service Line Inventories (prepared for the new LCR Revisions) to assist systems with updating their Record Drawings, monitoring water use data for timely leak repairs, performing oversight of water infrastructure improvements, and accessing funding assistance. Bring your laptops for hands-on assistance or use RCAP’s training laptops provided as part of the training. Workshop funding is provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency and has been approved by NHDES for 4 TCHs for water system operators.


Maintenance and upkeep of water distribution systems is particularly challenging for small water utilities with volunteer staff and recurring repairs needed for aged, undersized piping that is common in many of our small systems. This training will build on the recently completed Service Line Inventories (prepared for the new LCR Revisions) to assist systems with updating their Record Drawings, monitoring water use data for timely leak repairs, performing oversight of water infrastructure improvements, and accessing funding assistance. Bring your laptops for hands-on assistance or use RCAP’s training laptops provided as part of the training. Workshop funding is provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency and has been approved by NHDES for 4 TCHs for water system operators.


Small water utilities awarded with grants and loans from the NH Department and Environmental Services (NHDES) are required to complete a Business Plan for Small Water Utilities, before funding is dispersed. This training was designed to help small utilities to understand the purpose and review the format of the Business Plan. Small systems such as Manufactured Home Communities, local Water Association, and Small Water Districts will benefit from this training for multiple reasons: Very often they have significant accumulated debt, poor economy of scale and a low-income customer base. RCAP Solutions in collaboration with the NHDES is offering FREE 2 HOUR TRAINING to help these systems and participants to manage their water system while improving financial sustainability. This workshop is made possible through funding through the USDA Rural Development and the Department of Health and Human Services. This training is approved by NHDES for 2 TCHs for water operators.


Small water utilities awarded with grants and loans from the NH Department and Environmental Services (NHDES) are required to complete a Business Plan for Small Water Utilities, before funding is dispersed. This training was designed to help small utilities to understand the purpose and review the format of the Business Plan. Small systems such as Manufactured Home Communities, local Water Association, and Small Water Districts will benefit from this training for multiple reasons: Very often they have significant accumulated debt, poor economy of scale and a low-income customer base. RCAP Solutions in collaboration with the NHDES is offering FREE 2 HOUR TRAINING to help these systems and participants to manage their water system while improving financial sustainability. This workshop is made possible through funding through the USDA Rural Development and the Department of Health and Human Services. This training is approved by NHDES for 2 TCHs for water operators.

RCAP Solutions invites small system water operators to participate in an online workshop focused on GIS mapping. This workshop is designed for operators seeking accurate and reliable mapping solutions for their system’s assets. Participants will learn how to utilize GIS technology to create digital maps that are accurate, secure, and accessible.

This workshop will review the lead and copper rule and its recent revisions. Trainers will provide a brief history of the regulations throughout the years, replacement efforts when lead service lines are present, lead inventory information, tap sampling improvements, and remediation options such as treatment requirements, and point of use options. This class will comprehensively explain the federal and state Lead Service Line Inventory requirements and how to conduct the inventory. The training is targeted to public water systems newly registered with the NH Department of Environmental Services.

Community water systems are required to deliver a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) to their consumers by July 1 each year. The CCR provides consumers with water quality and other water system information, and can be an opportunity to highlight improvement, accomplishments, and other valuable information to your residents. In this training we will help managers, operators and volunteers taking advantage of the two templates developed by NHDES to complete the CCR in an efficient and effective way.

‘Twas Mid December at RCAP Solutions…

‘Twas Mid-December and all through the skies,
RCAP teams with care and wise.
In every office, staff worked with glee,
Offering essential aid, as busy as can be.

The needy many, deserving of cheer,
In this season of giving, their hopes draw near.
For when the demand rises, so great and so clear,
RCAP’s dedication shines, year after year.

In our Housing Consumer Education Center,
We make sure every client has a supportive mentor,
To assist in all aspects of home ownership and leasing,
In case you should see a problem increasing,
If a concern should arise, there’s lending or training,
Should you find your bank account suddenly draining.

With Subsidized Housing, we help pay the rent,
Offering programs for both landlord and tenant.
Everyone deserves a safe home and a bed,
Where each family member can rest their head.
We can also assist with housing mobility,
And case management for economic stability.

Our Housing for Seniors and the Mobility Impaired,
Offers features and services that can’t be compared.
Our professional staff is supportive and giving,
With countless services for independent living.
For those who reside in RCAP’s great care,
Our teams will provide for ALL who live there.

Our Environmental Crew work with communities to ensure,
The water that pours from the tap is pure.
From Maine to Pennsylvania, we offer technical assistance,
For those in rural regions, we’ll travel the distance.
Whether it’s wastewater, mapping, training, and more,
We’ll assess your infrastructure, and help settle the score.

The Caribbean Team helps the islands with pollution,
Teaching about recycling, and solid waste solutions.
We offer disaster planning, and prepare for the future,
Should climate change impact your region and need suture.
Financial assistance for septic or well repair,
We’re here for our communities, never despair!

Here in Massachusetts, we’re Advocating for Change,
For private well homeowners, who may need a range,
Of regulations for education, testing, and support,
Should their water tests come up short,
And need repair to keep families in good health,
For every resident, across the Commonwealth.

Our Administrative Staff provides support to our programs,
IT keeps us online, and safely protected from scams.
Finance cuts checks and keeps the books in balance,
HR supports the organization, hiring people with talents.
Marketing ensures the public is in the know,
And Development guarantees that funding won’t slow.

In the Northeast our influence spreads, far and wide in stride,
In Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, forever shall we reside.
Fostering community’s power, potential, a bond we unify,
In this commitment, our focus and unity lie.

Nurturing strength, resilience, and confidence, our gift to bestow,
Supporting individuals, families, communities, helping them grow.


RCAP Solutions presents an online workshop for small system water and wastewater operators:

  • Is your small system in need of accurate and reliable maps of your system’s assets?
  • Are you interested in learning how to use GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping to create digital maps that are accurate, accessible, and printable?
  • Are you looking to enhance your current GIS program by incorporating common O&M activities into your workflow? Join us for an exclusive workshop where you will get hands-on experience using the latest GIS software and technology.

Explore how GIS can be used to:

  • Create an accurate system inventory
  • Easily manage your GIS data
  • Track hydrant flushing
  • Manage water main leaks
  • Record manhole inspections
  • Interactive demonstrations led by experienced GIS technical specialists
  • Learn about GIS software

Approved for 2 Training Contact Hours (TCHs) for Vermont certified water and wastewater operators.

The Water Environment Federation Wastewater Collection System Basics training is an introductory program that has been designed to provide systems of all sizes with a basic understanding of how wastewater collection systems function and are best managed. The training will include a description of system operations, internal components, and maintenance & repairs from historical and modern perspectives. The program will give an overview of system attributes for operators, board members, managers, and support staff including the ability to identify and define collection system components to better recognize their role in wastewater management and treatment.

Is your water utility anticipating funding from the State of New Hampshire in 2023 or planning to apply in 2024? Are you aware that completing a Water System Business Plan or Asset Management Plan must be completed as a condition of the State funding, and can help your project rank higher for future funding? This free training will walk you through the steps to complete and apply your Water System Business Plan to ensure the long-term upkeep and sustainability of your water infrastructure assets. The training is targeted to all water operators, managers, consultants, and board members of small, privately-owned community systems serving less than 1,000 people.

Is your water utility anticipating funding from the State of New Hampshire in 2023 or planning to apply in 2024? Are you aware that completing a Water System Business Plan or Asset Management Plan must be completed as a condition of the State funding, and can help your project rank higher for future funding? This free training will walk you through the steps to complete and apply your Water System Business Plan to ensure the long-term upkeep and sustainability of your water infrastructure assets. The training is targeted to all water operators, managers, consultants, and board members of small, privately owned community systems serving less than 1,000 people.