RCAP Solutions Partnering with Several Community-Based Organizations to Expand Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) Program Access to Individuals and Families Throughout Central Massachusetts

RCAP Solutions is proud to announce a partnership with Valuing Our Children, the Spanish American Center, and the Worcester Community Action Council (WCAC), which expands access to the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program for individuals and families throughout Central Massachusetts.
RAFT is a financial assistance program funded by the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC), which keeps struggling families safely housed. This program can provide eligible households with funding that can be used to help stay in current housing, obtain new housing, or otherwise avoid becoming homeless. Anyone who is struggling to pay their rent or who are at risk of being evicted are encouraged to apply for the program. Funds can be used for rent arrears, utility arrears, short-term rental stipend, security deposits, first and last month’s rent, and more.
Thanks to this new partnership, clients who are unable to access or complete an online application may now reach out to RCAP Solutions directly or Valuing Our Children, the Spanish American Center, and the Worcester Community Action Council to schedule an appointment to be guided through the application process via an in-person or virtual appointment. This service is only available to residents living in a community where RCAP Solutions administers the RAFT program (see our RAFT Service Area Map).
RCAP Solutions administers RAFT funds and provides application assistance to residents throughout Central Massachusetts, however, residents of the city of Worcester who apply for the RAFT program will have their application processed by the Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance (CMHA). As a result, RCAP Solutions will not be able to provide status updates to clients residing in Worcester after their application has been submitted. Further questions regarding the status of their application must be directed to CMHA.
“The Spanish American Center and RCAP Solutions have recently created a strong partnership to assist families in Central Massachusetts who need financial assistance with housing and utilities. This is a very meaningful partnership for all our Central Massachusetts residents,” explained Neddy Latimer, Executive Director of the Spanish American Center.
“Valuing Our Children is pleased to partner with RCAP Solutions in order to increase the accessibility of the RAFT program for families to secure and stabilize their housing,” said Kena Vescovi, Executive Director of Valuing Our Children, “Our organization sees many families coming to our centers in need of stabilizing their housing. This partnership offers families options to access RAFT financial support within their own community.”
“WCAC is very happy to build on our partnership with RCAP Solutions by helping to navigate clients to successful completion of their RAFT applications in Southern Worcester County,” remarked Marybeth Campbell, Executive Director of WCAC, “Through this partnership, we are eager help ease the application process and wrap around clients and their needs more wholistically by marrying access to RAFT with WCAC’s economic mobility strategies. We see this as a great opportunity to strengthen our work with RCAP Solutions as a respected resource in the region.”
“I am very proud that we can strengthen and grow our relationship with these fantastic, well-respected community organizations that do so much to assist individuals and families throughout Central Massachusetts,” concluded Brian D. Scales, President & CEO of RCAP Solutions, “This collaborative effort is vitally important and will allow us to better serve the region’s residents and break down barriers that may have existed in acquiring services.”
In fiscal year 2022 alone, RCAP Solutions provided over $43 million in funding to assist several thousand families in need.
Those interested in applying should be prepared with the following documentation; an ID for the head of household, proof of current housing (for example, a lease), proof housing crisis (for example, a notice to quit or eviction letter), and proof of income (for example, paystubs).
For more information about the RAFT program, application requirements, this community partnership, and more, please visit: www.rcapsolutions.org/hcec-application/
About RCAP Solutions:
RCAP Solutions is an integrated community development corporation working with a multi-faceted suite of services in communities throughout the northeastern part of the U.S. and the Caribbean. Established in 1969 (as Rural Housing Improvement), RCAP Solutions has supported the power and potential of communities for over half a century as strategists of community-wide well-being. Our mission is to foster personal and public self-reliance and improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and the communities in which they live. For more information, please visit: www.rcapsolutions.org
About Valuing Our Children:
Valuing Our Children (VOC) was established in 1993 to address the abuse and neglect of children by focusing on strength-based family support and community development. VOC serves as a hub of information and support for families by providing parenting education, support groups, information and referral services, family support and home-visiting. All programs are available to families at no cost and with no eligibility guidelines. For more information, please visit: www.valuingourchildren.org
About the Spanish American Center:
The Spanish American Center is a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) multi-service organization with a mission to respond to the social, health, educational and cultural needs of the Twin Cities, Leominster/Fitchburg communities including surrounding areas with a special focus on the Latino community limited by language, poverty, and cultural barriers. The Center was founded in 1966 by priests from a local Catholic church, along with Latino leaders, who were seeing greater numbers of Latinos in their Parishes and were concerned that they were not receiving the services that they need. Director 35+ years of her leadership, Neddy Latimer, Executive Director, has shepherded the organization into ever widening services for the community. For more information, please visit: www.spanishamericancenter.org
About WCAC:
Founded in 1965 as part of the War on Poverty, Worcester Community Action Council (WCAC) is one of 1,000 community action agencies across the U.S. and 23 in Massachusetts created to address disparities throughout the nation. Our values of advancing equitable access, elevating all voices and partnering with people are embedded in the role we play as the federally designated anti-poverty agency for Central and South-Central Massachusetts. WCAC embodies service to the community through our mission: Helping people move to economic self-sufficiency through programs, partnerships, and advocacy. Our vision is to break the cycle of poverty one neighbor at a time. Through safety-net services and asset building solutions, WCAC creates economic mobility opportunities for tens of thousands of people annually through programs such as energy assistance, early education and care, financial empowerment, positive youth development, and career pathways. For more information, please visit: www.wcac.net