Atwood Acres
Senior & Accessible Housing
66 Dudley Road, Townsend, MA 01469
(978) 597-6992 • Atwood@rcapsolutions.org
Head of household must be 62 or older, OR be an individual with a mobility impairment. Residents must be income-eligible.

Bolton Country Manor
Senior Housing
600 Main Street, Bolton, MA 01740
(978) 779-5007 • BoltonCountryManor@rcapsolutions.org
Head of household must be 62 or older. Residents must be income-eligible.

Cottage Street Apartments
Multi-Family Housing
198 Harrington Street #B5, Athol, MA 01331
(978) 249-6268 • HAPCO@rcapsolutions.org
Head of household must be 18 or older. Residents must be income-eligible.

Groton Commons
Senior & Accessible Housing
74 Willowdale Road, Groton, MA 01450
(978) 448-9551 • GrotonCommons@rcapsolutions.org
Head of household must be 62 or older, OR be an individual with a mobility impairment. Residents must be income-eligible.

Hapgood Apartments
Multi-Family Housing
25 Cheney Street, Athol, MA 01331
(978) 249-6268 • HAPCO@rcapsolutions.org
Head of household must be 18 or older, income-eligible, and applicant of Athol Housing Authority.

Hubbardston House Apartments
Senior & Accessible Housing
1 Old Princeton Road Cut-Off, Hubbardston, MA 01452
(978) 928-5922 • HubbardstonHouse@rcapsolutions.org
Head of household must be 62 or older, OR be an individual with a mobility impairment. Residents must be income-eligible.

New Horizons Apartments
Accessible Housing
20 Benson Avenue, Worcester, MA 01605
(508) 852-2711 • NewHorizons@rcapsolutions.org
Head of household or co-head must be an individual with a mobility impairment. Residents must be income-eligible.

Rockdale House Apartments
Senior & Accessible Housing
63 School Street, Northbridge, MA 01534
(508) 234-9263 • RockdaleHouse@rcapsolutions.org
Head of household must be 62 or older, OR be an individual with a mobility impairment. Residents must be income-eligible.

Slater Estates
Senior & Accessible Housing
96 Slater Street, Webster, MA 01570
(508) 943-9897 • SlaterEstates@rcapsolutions.org
Head of household must be 62 or older, OR be an individual with a mobility impairment. Residents must be income-eligible.

Sunbanke Village
Senior & Disabled Housing
25 Heritage Lane, Boylston, MA 01505
(508) 869-0290 • SunbankeVillage@rcapsolutions.org
Head of household must be 62 or older, OR be an individual with a disability. Residents must be income-eligible.

Townsend Woods
Senior Housing
70 Dudley Road, Townsend, MA 01469
(978) 597-2540 • TownsendWoods@rcapsolutions.org
Head of household must be 62 or older. Residents must be income-eligible.
Do You Qualify?
Residents must meet the eligibility guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development or USDA Rural Development (for Sunbanke Village). Qualified applicants pay 30% of their monthly adjusted income for rent. Heat and hot water are provided. Residents are responsible for electricity, telephone, and cable/internet services.
As apartments become available, applicants will be selected according to their placement on a waiting list on a first-come, first-served basis in accordance with eligibility requirements.
Have questions? Looking for assistance?
If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about these services, please contact us via email: PropertyManagement@rcapsolutions.org or phone: (978) 630-6600
RCAP Solutions Affordable Housing Properties | Spotlight On: Slater Estates
This video features testimonials from residents at Slater Estates – one of our affordable senior and accessible housing complexes located in Webster, Massachusetts.