RCAP Solutions Hosts "Seminar for Advancing Renter Knowledge" Aimed at Helping Housing Choice Voucher Participants to Become Rent Ready!

RCAP Solutions Hosts “Seminar for Advancing Renter Knowledge” Event Aimed at Helping Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Participants to Become Rent Ready!

In June 2024, RCAP Solutions hosted an educational event geared towards empowering Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Participants to stand out in their search for rental opportunities!

We sincerely appreciate everyone who participated in this interactive seminar – both in-person and virtually! 

We were honored to be joined by guest speakers including; a trusted landlord from Kensington Management LLC, legal service representatives from Community Legal Aid who covered Fair Housing Laws, and an RCAP Solutions Housing Quality Standards Inspector. In addition, we sincerely thank our friends from the MassHire Central Career Center and sponsors/representatives from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing & Livable Communities (EOHLC) who were in attendance!

For more information about our Workforce Development services, visit: www.rcapsolutions.org/economic-opportunities/

Watch the recording below: